- All Implemented Interfaces:
public class StringReproduce
extends java.lang.Object
implements Reproduce<Organism<java.lang.String>>
A class that contains the reproduction implementation for a string organism
The a StringReproduce object should be used in conjunction with some sort
of Organism class to create a working simulation involving Strings.
The StringReproduce class is an implementation of the Reproduce interface,
which means that it allows for the creation of a child organism with the input
of two parent organisms.
In the case of the StringReproduction, this means sequentially randomly
selecting a character from either parent (given a 50/50 probability for each),
and adding that character to the new child organism.
The reproduction also includes a chance for Mutation, allowing for traits
that were not found in the parent population or in an organisms specific
parents to be evident in that organism.
- See Also: